
Elena Leclerc
Coordinator of Healthcare in Detention Programme

Dr Elena Leclerc is the coordinator of Healthcare in Detention Programme at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva, and responsible for the implementation of the programme in over 60 countries around the world. Dr Leclerc joined the ICRC in 1998 and has since worked in Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, Cambodia, Thailand and at the ICRC’s headquarters in Switzerland. Dr Leclerc has authored and contributed to the development of various ICRC and external publications. Since 2013, she has been co-organizing and lecturing for several postgraduate courses in Healthcare in Detention in Switzerland, France and Thailand.


Dr Leclerc initiated the events and led the organization of the Asian and Pacific Conferences on Prison Health between 2017 and 2019, and the First World Conference on Health in Detention in 2022.


Dr Leclerc is a medical doctor. She holds a postgraduate degree in infectious diseases and tropical medicine from The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Leadership from the University of Lucerne.

Terry Hackett
Head of the Persons Deprived of Liberty Unit

Terry Hackett assumed the post of Head of the Persons Deprived of Liberty Unit for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva in February 2022.


Terry joined the ICRC in 2018 as a Prison System Adviser following a 22 year with the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) where he retired as the as the Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Operations (Pacific).


Over his career with CSC, Terry held various positions including Director of Operations (Pacific) and Warden of several federal institutions.


Terry holds a Masters of Arts in Human Security and Peacebuilding from Royal Roads University (RRU) with a focus on rule of law and post-conflict correctional reform, as well as a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from Trinity Western University.


He is currently completing his Masters of Advanced Studies in International Law of Armed Conflict from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

Carolina De La Torre Ugarte
Associate in Health Care in Detention and Conference Focal Point

Carolina is a social scientist with specializations in criminal justice, human rights, and mental health. She joined the ICRC’s Health Care in Detention Programme in 2021 to support the organization of the 1st World Conference on Health in Detention. She also works on instructional design with the Learning and Development Programme in the Health Unit.


She holds a Master’s in Anthropology and Sociology from the Geneva Graduate Institute as well as a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Sociology and a Graduate Certificate in Disasters, Displacement and Human Rights from the University of Tennessee—Knoxville. Her research examines topics such as the impact of incarceration on families outside of prison and planning for reentry in penal reform.


In her previous role as Project Director at the Global Initiative for Stress and Trauma Treatment (GIST-T), she surveyed staff well-being in humanitarian organizations and advised on mental health policy. She has also served on multiple Conference Steering Committees and has consulted with the Genevan Prison Medical Service. Outside of work, she volunteers as Vice President of a local prison visitors’ association.

Aleksandra Kokanovic
Health Knowledge Management Officer

Aleksandra works as Knowledge Management Officer for the Health Unit of the ICRC. She coordinates the capture and distribution of important knowledge assets and learning resources within the Unit.


She has experience in public relations and communications; prior to the ICRC, she has been working for international PR agencies and within EU funded projects. She assists with the maintenance and updates of the website for this conference.

Aleksandra has completed a master degree at Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle University.

Mary Murphy
Healthcare in Detention Specialist

Mary Murphy worked for 25 years in international human rights and penal reform organizations before joining the ICRC’s Deprived of Liberty Unit as an Adviser in 2011.


She led in the drafting of ICRC detention-related guidance on children, sexual Violence, ageing, life sentences, the death penalty, and partnership. She participated in the drafting of the UN Principles and Guidelines on legal aid, Bangkok and Nelson Mandela Rules, and Handbook on overcrowding (UNODC with ICRC).

Mitsuyoshi Morita
Healthcare in Detention Specialist

Dr Mitsuyoshi Morita is the Healthcare in Detention Specialist working in ICRC Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and is specialized in Public Health. Dr Mitsuyoshi joined the ICRC in 2015 as a detention doctor and has worked previously in Myanmar, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and the Philippines.


Before joining the ICRC, he has worked for 7 years in several countries in Africa, Middle East and Asia as part of teams handling medical emergencies such as outbreaks of Ebola in Sierra Leone, cholera in Zambia and meningitis in India, conflicts in South Sudan, Yemen, Syria and malnutrition crises in Somalia and Niger.


Some of his studies and work in the public health field have been published as reports in Public Health Journal (2008) and Nikkei Medical Online (2013), among others.

Robert Charles Paterson
Detention Healthcare Project Manager

Robert Paterson is a medical doctor with 18 years’ experience working for the ICRC, of which the last 16 have been wholly or partly dedicated to health care in detention.


He is currently the Detention Healthcare Project Manager based in Tel Aviv, in charge of ICRC healthcare activities and programmes in Israeli and Palestinian places of detention

Sara Snell
Prison System Adviser

Sara Snell served with Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (England and Wales) for 25 years before she started her career with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), where she is a Prison System Adviser.


As well as her operational roles (her last post was as governor at Wetherby prison for juveniles) she worked as a team leader with the National Preventive Mechanism coordinating body for England and Wales, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons.


With the ICRC she has co-produced “Towards Humane Prisons: A Principled and Participatory Approach to Prison Planning and Design”.

Victor Duarte
Conference Assistant

Victor Duarte has a Bachelor degree in medicine from the National Polytechnic University of Mexico and has  recently completed a master’s degree in business administration and international health management at the University of Cumbria, United Kingdom.



Victor has coordinated numerous fundraising events, workshops and public talks in the area of mental health.

Hans Meurisse

Hans Meurisse holds a master degree in Criminology from the Ghent University and also participated in several post-graduate courses, which allowed him to gain profound knowledge of public, financial and penitentiary management, forensic matters, Business Process Reengineering and organised international fraud.




He started his professional career in 1986 with the Judicial Police, where he eventually was appointed Chief Investigator. In 1999, Hans became prison governor of the Ghent prison. His work was mainly focused on managing the detention of convicts, remand prisoners and mentally ill prisoners on an operational level. In September 2006, he was appointed Director General of the Belgian Prison Service.




Hans Meurisse was the Director General of the Belgian Prison Service for more than 11 years, from 2006 until 2017. During that time, he also served as President of the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris) for 6 years after being appointed in 2011.




Today, Hans Meurisse is the Vice-President of ICPA and Chair of the ICPA European Chapter. Supported by a strong background and extensive experience in the correctional field, he provides strategic and operational advice and actively contributes to the realisation of the goals of the organisation. He also fulfils a key role in advancing the collaboration with European and international organisations and acts as ICPA’s liaison to the European Commission, Council of Europe and United Nations.

Manon Bisson
Executive Director

Manon Bisson is the Executive Director of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) since July 2020.  She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.



She has been working for the Correctional Service of Canada for 27 years, mainly in executive positions. She began her career in 1993 and was a Deputy Director for over 12 years. She has worked in a variety of institutions of all security levels, including the community.



She has extensive experience and a strong background of the correctional system and completed several mandates in the context of change and transformation within the federal correctional system. Her expertise lies in the design, implementation and management of strategies, programs, security intelligence and operations.


She has led transformation and continuous optimization projects to improve practices, culture, processes and technology within corrections.

Paul Geurts
Member of the Board of Directors
International Corrections and Prison Association - ICPA

Paul Geurts (BSc) started working for the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) in 1989 as middle manager. From 1995 he served as Prison Director working with juveniles, male and female inmates. From 2007 until 2012 Paul was responsible for international cooperation of DJI. In this role Paul developed and implemented bilateral programs with a.o. the Turkish, the Bulgarian, and the Croatian Prison Systems and with PRAWA in Nigeria, focusing on juvenile and female prisoners, on planning and control systems and on influencing public opinion on detention. During these years Paul stood at the cradle of EUROPRIS and developed his network with International Organisations. Contacts with ACSA and PRAWA developed during these years.


In 2012/13 Paul worked with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan as Prison Advisor. From 2013 until the beginning of 2020 Paul Worked as Regional Prison Systems Advisor for the International Committee of the Red Cross, both in Southern and Eastern Africa and in Asia. In this position Paul co-developed and delivered capacity building programs in different countries in the southern hemisphere.


Paul is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Corrections and Prison Association. Paul holds a Bachelor in Social Work and is a certified coach.

Stuart Kinner
Head of the Justice Health Unit
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne

Stuart Kinner is Professor of Health Equity at Curtin University, Head of the Justice Health Unit at University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and an Adjunct Professor in the Griffith Criminology Institute.


His research focuses on health services and health outcomes for people who come into contact with the criminal justice system, particularly those who experience incarceration. Professor Kinner has produced >250 publications including 188 peer-reviewed papers, and attracted >$26 million in research funding.


He chairs the Australia’s National Youth Justice Health Advisory Group, and the WHO Health in Prisons Programme (WHO-HIPP) Technical Expert Group. He serves on the WHO-HIPP Steering Group, and the Worldwide Prison Health Research and Engagement (WEPHREN) Steering Committee.

Alicia Roselló
International Public Health Specialist
Health and Justice Team for UKHSA

Alicia Roselló works as International Public Health Specialist in the Health and Justice Team for UKHSA. In her previous role as a Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine she modelled interventions against emerging infectious diseases.


During the hight of the Covid-19 pandemic her work focused on interventions in the care home setting and she supported decision-making in this area as a member of the Social Care Working group. Alicia has also worked on various aspects of the Ebola 2014-2015 and 2018-2020 outbreaks, including modelling of vaccination strategies and using expert elicitation to forecast geographic disease spread.


She previously worked at Public Health England on the cost-effectiveness of herpes zoster vaccination. She obtained her PhD from UCL where she used statistical and mathematical modelling techniques to study the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistant Gram-negative bacteria in care homes.

Emma Plugge
Senior Research Fellow
UK Health Security Agency

Emma Plugge is a public health trained doctor who is currently Senior Research Fellow in the Vulnerable People and Inclusion Health Directorate of the UK Health Security Agency and Associate Professor of Public Health at the University of Southampton. She is the academic lead for the Worldwide Prison Health Research & Engagement Network which aims to improve the health of people in prison through the equitable development of the evidence base and through capacity building initiatives for health.

Ahmed Aqel
Health in Detention Specialist

Dr. Ahmed Aqel, is a medical doctor who has a master’s degree in Medical Microbiology, and another master’s degree in International Affairs and Diplomacy and he is currently finalizing his third master’s in Public Health from the University of London.


He worked and lived in several countries including; Jordan, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Cambodia, China\DPRK, Ukraine, and currently in Thailand as Regional Healthcare in Detention Specialist for the Asia and Pacific Region. He has experience in HIV and TB programs, health systems strengthening and in prison Health.


Prior to joining the ICRC, he worked in Africa for several years in USAID (PEPFAR)-funded programs managing HIV patients.

Dinara Osmonalieva
Regional Healthcare in Detention Specialist

Dr. Dinara Osmonalieva is responsible for HCD operations in East, Central, West and Southern Africa, the regions apart from Maghreb region, Sahel and Lake Chad.


She is a medical doctor who also has a master’s degree in Public Health obtained from the State University of New York. She did her internship with the New York State Department of Corrections working on the project of treatment of Hepatitis C in prisons.


Joined the ICRC in 2006 and worked in the following contexts: Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Gaza Strip and Azerbaijan. She has an experience of working in different files in Health Care in Detention, including: TB in detention, Hepatitis C in detention, nutrition in detention and health systems strengthening in detention.

Elias Saade
Regional Healthcare in Detention Specialist

Elias holds a Medical Doctor degree from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, with a long-program training in General Emergency Medicine from Saint-George Hospital University in Lebanon. He also holds a Master in Business Administration MBA in the International Health Management from the Université Paris-Dauphine, France. He’s currently pursuing a MSc degree in Disaster Medicine with the Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy.


Throughout his work with the ICRC, he handled the health care in detention files in Algeria, Niger, Tunisia, Iraq and currently assigned to cover the NAME region where he supervises the implementation of Health Care in Detention programs in Syria, the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Yemen. He supports, delivers and coordinates training on Health Care in Detention at global and NAME regional levels.


Due to his background experience in humanitarian settings, with specific competencies and expertise in emergency medicine, public health and nutrition, working in refugee camps and places of detention, he is currently an Associate Member of the World Medical Association (WMA) since 2020.


Nuria Carrera Grañó
Healthcare in Detention Regional Specialist

Nuria Carrera is currently working as healthcare in detention regional specialist for the ICRC, covering Maghreb region, Sahel and Lake Chad. She worked as family doctor for several years in Barcelona and in 2009 started working in the humanitarian field, focusing in Africa and Middle East. She covered different humanitarian crisis (vertical HIV-TB projects, refugee camps, nutritional emergencies, ebola), initially with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and from 2015 with the ICRC as Healthcare in Detention doctor.


Graduated in Medicine by the University of Barcelona, specialized in Family and Community Medicine and with a Msc in International Health and Tropical Medicine.


Abdallah Keddi
Detention doctor

Born in 1968, Abdallah holds a doctorate degree in Medicine, from the University of Algeria and the Certificate of Humanitarian Leadership and Management School.


He has over 25 years of experience in humanitarian settings, with competencies and expertise in public health and nutrition, working in refugee camps and places of detention. He contributed to establishing and implementing several programs, working for National Society (NS), WFP, WHO, UNICEF and ICRC in Africa and Middle East.

Alain Vuilleumier
Medical doctor

Alain Vuilleumier is a medical doctor with training in tropical diseases and public health. He has collaborated for many years in supporting the ICRC to implement its health activities, mainly on strengthening the provision of health services and the control of tuberculosis in prisons in Latin America.


He brings his decades of experience to his current role where he is dedicated to support detainees’ access to healthcare in Venezuela.

Ali Alradaan
Central Prison Hospital, Kuwait

Dr. Ali Alradaan is Director of the Central Prison Hospital in Kuwait, Head of the Committee of medical pardon for prisoners, and Head of the Committee of health fitness for police and fire force candidates.


He is a member of the Kuwait national Committee in combating and preventing drugs abuse, and a member of the Kuwait national Committee in combating and preventing TB. He is double board certified in both Kuwait and UK in “Family medicine”, and interested in public health and health care in detention.


His self-assigned mission is to improve the health care services in places of detention in Kuwait with the co-operation of different groups in society such as governmental and non-governmental organisations, public groups and individuals interested in health care in detention standards. Dr Alradaan also works to support the imprisoned and detained individuals and to offer them an individualised approach of health care services according to their demands and needs.

Anastasia Papachristou
Detention Doctor

Dr Anastasia Papachristou, MD, MSc, MHA, ScD, FHCS, is currently the detention doctor of the ICRC Delegation in Athens. She has a surgical background, practicing in General Teaching Hospitals of Central and Southern Greece, EU and UK in the Surgical, Accident and Emergencies departments and in the Intensive Care Units.


She has completed her postgraduate studies holding master’s degrees in the fields of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robotic Surgery and Telesurgery, Global Health, Disaster Medicine and Health Crisis Management, Health Administration and International Relations, Strategy and Security and doctorate specialization in General Surgery and Surgical Oncology.


Dr Papachristou joined the humanitarian field 15 years ago and has since worked with various National and International NGOs and has developed expertise in the implementation of health programs in multiple contexts of rescue and emergency response, telemedicine, conflict and migration in Europe, middle East and Africa.


She has authored and contributed to the development and research programs in Greece with the NKUA University with academic experience as a lecturer in her field of expertise.

Angela Lucila Barrios Diaz
Specialized Staff
Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia

Nurse graduated from the National University of Colombia, with a master’s degree in Nursing and cardiovascular health care.


Angela is a specialized staff in the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, where she works in the Directorate for the Regulation of the Operation of Health Insurance, Occupational Risks and Pensions.


For 6 years, she has been carrying out work related to the public policies of the General System of Social Security in Health in Colombia.


Addressing issues such as health risk management of the operation of EPS (Entidades Promotoras de Salud), public health insurance plan, as well as matters related to the role of the health sector in the Penitentiary and Prison System of Colombia.

Antony David Hassall
Prison System Advisor

Tony joined the ICRC in February 2021. He was the Prison System Advisor initially responsible for Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. He moved to the Philippines in November 2021. His role also covers Cambodia and Thailand. Tony supports the ICRC’s ability to analyse and understand detention as a whole, provides analytical, strategic and methodological advice to the ICRC delegation. He also supports the national prison authorities in developing and implementing sustainable solutions to humanitarian problems encountered in detention.


Tony started his career as a graduate entrant Prison Officer in the late 1980`s in the UK holding a range of policy and operational positions. He has been in charge of a number of prisons before being invited to join the senior civil service as director responsible corrective services in Yorksire.


He moved to Australia in 2009 as CEO of Immigration Detention Services. He retired as Commissioner of Corrective Services Western Australia in December 2020.
Tony hold qualifications in Business Administration (Executive) and Social Science.

Asel Kurenkeeva
Detention Doctor

Asel has over 20 years of professional experience in the medical field in diversified areas and roles, and since 2011 she has been working for the ICRC. At present, she works as Detention Doctor in the ICRC Delegation in Azerbaijan. She has previously been working in the Russian Federation, as Health Delegate in South Ossetia, and before that she was on a mission in Kyrgyz Republic.


Before joining the ICRC, she worked at the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, as the Chair of General Practice therapy with Family Medicine course, and at the National Centre of Cardiology and Internal Medicine under the MoH of the KR (Intensive therapy block of the Pulmonology Department), in Bishkek.


Calvin S. de los Reyes
Project Adjunct Senior Lecturer
University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa-Japan

Dr. Calvin S. de los Reyes serves as an Academic Fellow (Project Adjunct Senior Lecturer) at the School of Health Sciences in the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan. He is also affiliated with the Graduate Program for Health Policy Studies at the University of the Philippines Manila.


Dr. de los Reyes is involved in several research projects addressing the health needs of marginalized populations in the Philippines. He is also founding board member of the International Committee on MCH Handbook.


For more than a decade, he worked in numerous JICA projects and training programs. He obtained his PhD in Human Sciences (International Health) from Osaka University in Japan.

Carmen Urbiztondo Sabrido
Healthcare in Detention Program Manager

Born in Barcelona. Diploma in Nursing from EUI Vall Hebron in 2010, master’s in Drugs Abuse and Pre-hospital Emergency Care.


Worked with vulnerable collectives in Barcelona with different local NGOs and in Penitentiary Centers from 2013 to 2018.  In 2018 began working in the field of International Cooperation, joining the ICRC in 2021. Currently working in Mexico Regional Delegation, covering 5 countries as Health Care in Detention Program Manager.


Dieudonne Koyenga
Prison Systems Advisor

Dieudonne Koyenga has 22 years’ experience in prisons and corrections. He has been working as a Prison Systems Adviser for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) since 2015. In this position, he has supported ICRC work in various countries, including Rwanda, Burundi, Chad, Madagascar, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger and Cameroon.


Before joining the ICRC, Dieudonne served in the Burkina Faso Prison Service as both Head of Service in charge of operations and capacity building, and as National Director (2006 to 2010).


He worked for the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti for two years before being appointed as the first Director General of the Penitentiary Training School of Burkina Faso.

He managed the process (including resource planning and the development of policies and operational procedures) to implement the full operation of this institution which still runs successfully today.


Diomedes Tabima Garcia
Public Health Adviser
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia

Doctor from the University of Caldas with specialization in Health’s Institutions Management (University of Antioquia), University Teaching (Universidad del Bosque) and Master’s in Education (Technological University of Pereira – UTP).


He has been supervising doctor of the Tuberculosis Control Program in Risaralda, Scientific Deputy Director of the Municipal Institute of Health of Pereira. At UTP he has been Director of the Medicine Program, Professor of Community Medicine, Director of the Specialization in Health Systems Management and Director of the master’s degree in Health Systems Management.


He has served as Leader of the Research Group in Management in Health Systems of the same university and is currently the representative of the academy in the Intersectoral group for the training of prison health staff together with the ICRC in Colombia. His scientific publications have focused on public health, and from this with prison environments.

Ghirmai Yiehdego
Detention Doctor

Degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1993, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; Post graduate diploma in Epidemiology in 2010, University of London, External programme.


ICRC Detention doctor visiting places of detention to observe conditions of detention and propose local and systemic intervention to improve health care to persons deprived of liberty in Afghanistan (2011-2013), India (2013-2014), and Philippines (2021-current).

Health care in detention specialist, advising ICRC delegations on health care in places of detention (2014-2016).

March 2016 – July 2021: Health program manager in Kyrgyz Republic, managing tuberculosis control in prison project supported by the ICRC.

UN volunteer as UN dispensary Physician in UNDP in South Sudan (2010-2011).

Held different positions under Ministry of Health in Eritrea as hospital physician, medical director and provincial health director (1993-2010).


Dr Yiehdego contributed to the ICRC publications: Health care in detention: A practical Guide, 2nd edition (2014), and Health care in detention: managing scabies outbreak in detention (2014), among other research articles he has published.


Harry Tubangi
Health Field Officer

Health Field Officer and the focal for Detention Health Systems Strengthening in the ICRC Philippines.


He is also the Health Information System project manager in an initiative with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in the Philippines.


He was instrumental in starting and organizing leadership and governance initiatives for detention authorities and was a key member of the multi-disciplinary detention team that established the Covid-19 response in detention places including the necessary policy mechanisms that led to the establishment and support of 11 Covid-19 isolation centers in places of detention.


He has a master’s degree in health policy studies and wrote the paper: “Health in Philippine Jails: Baseline Detention Health Systems Policy Research Towards Health-Informed Criminal Justice Policy Reforms.”


Hichem Boukadida

Holder of a doctorate degree in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse in Tunisia, Master’s degree in medical practice and research, and a Certificate of complementary studies in anti-infectious chemotherapy.


Prior to joining the ICRC, he had held the position of internal doctor in the hospitals of Chartres in France, and worked for the Ministry of Justice in Tunisia. He joined the ICRC in 2015 to hold the position of a detention doctor in different contexts such as Ivory Coast, Burundi and Mali and the position of Health Programme Manager in the DRC. Since November 2021, he is in charge of the ICRC healthcare in detention programme for Iraq.

Juan David Marin Vallejo
Healthcare in Detention Specialist

Since 2015, he has been part of the Healthcare in Detention program for the ICRC Colombia Delegation, based in Bogotá.


He is a doctor from the University of Caldas with a specialization in health services administration from the Catholic University of Manizales and a candidate for a master’s degree in public health from the Universidad del Rosario.


He has clinical experience in primary health care, hospitalization services, emergencies, and currently in the development of guidance and intervention strategies in public health in the Colombian prison environment.


He has extensive experience within the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent since 1997, with experience in the context of the armed conflict, activities concerning humanitarian work, and training programs in both formal and non-formal education for the academic community.


He is the Medical Coordinator of the International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) Colombia Chapter from 2008 to 2015.

Julio Garay Ramos
Head of the TB and Respiratory Diseases Program
Ministry of Health, El Salvador

Born in El Salvador in 1962, graduated with a Doctorate in Medicine from the University of El Salvador (1991), with a Master’s degree in Epidemiology and Public Health years (1993–1995) and specialization in AIDS Preventive Medicine, both at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain in 1994.


He has been professor and thesis advisor of the Masters of Public Health of the Evangelical Universities of El Salvador and Dr. José Matías Delgado.


In the Ministry of Health of El Salvador, he held the positions of National Head of the Rabies Control and Pesticide Poisoning Programs, and Head of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit (1995-1996). He was also National Head of the Leprosy Control Program (1997-2003), National Head of the Elderly Care Program (1999-2003 and 2005-2008), Director of Regulation; and Head of the Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Program of El Salvador from 1997 to date.

He has received the recognition of Notable Physician by the Salvadoran University Dr. Alberto Masferrer (year 2019).

Karim Traore
Correctional Advisor in charge of Health Care in Detention
United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission, Mali

Dr Karim Traore is a medical doctor from Burkina Faso with specialized in international public health. He is currently at the United Nations multidimensional integrated stabilization mission in Mali, as a Correctional Advisor in charge of healthcare in detention.


With a wide experience as a public health practitioner, he headed in the past health districts operations in his home country.

From 2013 to 2014, he worked as humanitarian with Médecins du Monde in Djibo region and started working in prisons in 2017 to improve access to healthcare in prisons. His dedication has led him to be appointed by the Government as the first Director in charge of prison health and social welfare within the Ministry of Justice. In this position, he had a decisive influence on health-related policies and procedures aimed at improving the health and social conditions of prisoners in Burkina Faso. He initiated and conducted an impacting pilot project for TB control in prisons.


At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, he initiated the first responses in prisons settings in Burkina Faso. He was the coordinator of the first vaccination campaign against Covid-19 for the benefit of prisoners and prison staff of Bamako, Segou and Keniéroba prisons, in collaboration with health and justice ministry actors where more than 3,000 people were completely vaccinated. He also represented his country at many international and regional panels of experts in matters related to healthcare in detention.

Ketevan Chakhnashvili
International School of Medicine Alte University of Georgia

15 years of experience in managing healthcare systems and teams (public and private).


With vast experience in managing projects (including donor-funded) and medical organizations. Proven ability to establish and maintain excellent communication, make presentations and be an unforgettable presenter.


Experienced in primary health management and administration and heal insurance. Author of a number of articles, published in international and local sectoral magazines.

With proven experience in training. Expert on penitentiary health in the Council of Europe and the coauthor of the current Code of Ethics of the Georgian Penitentiary healthcare system.

Luca Falqui
Health Coordinator

Medical degree in 1984 (University “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy). Specialized in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Internal Medicine. PhD in Clinical oncology in 1992. Master in Humanitarian Assistance in 2000 and currently mentor for the Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA) universities. Certificate in Prison Medicine (World Medical Association) in 2015. Fifteen years of clinical work in internal medicine, obstetrics, surgery, oncology in Italy and France.


Since 1996, he has been implementing, designing and managing emergency and development health programs in different contexts and with different organizations.


He joined the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 2004 and since then he worked as responsible of health programs in Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq and South-East Asia. He collaborates with the Faculty of Public Health in Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand. He is currently Health Coordinator for ICRC operations in China, Korean Peninsula and Mongolia.


Manal Bouhaimed
Clinical Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University

Dr. Manal Bouhaimed is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University.


After completing basic medical education at Kuwait University and clinical medical  education at Glasgow University, Dr. Bouhaimed fulfilled the residency training requirements in the UK, to be among the first group of Kuwaiti female surgeons recognized as fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Academically, she pursued graduate studies and received a Master’s degree in Ophthalmology & Eye Banking from Bristol University and a PhD in Ethics from the department of Philosophy, Glasgow University. Her post-doctoral and subspecialty fellowships were achieved at the Mclean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at University of Chicago, Medical Retina in Cardiff University, Surgical Vitreoretina and Uveitis at King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital, KSA.


Dr. Bouhaimed served in many national and international academic, professional, UN, and non-governmental organizations. Dr. Bouhaimed was the coordinator of the “First national five years’ strategic plan to develop ophthalmology care in Kuwait” and chaired the MPH (Master of Public Health) proposal Committee that introduced the first MPH program in Kuwait in 2014.


Dr Bouhaimed is the recipient of KHALIFA award (president of UAE) for distinguished university teacher in the Arab World for introducing curricula in Clinical Ethics, Healthcare in Detention, Patient Safety, Quality of Healthcare, and Community Eye Health. In addition, she received the Federation of Universities in the Islamic World award in ‘Governance and Research in University Education’.

Marc Van der Putten
Professor of Global Health
Thammasat University, Thailand

Dr. Marc Van der Putten is Professor of Global Health at Thammasat University, Thailand. He is also Chair of the Office of International Graduate Programs at the Faculty of Public Health and founder of the Thammasat’s flagship MPH Program in Global Health. He holds a BSc. in Mental Health, Post Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management, and MPH and PhD degrees in Public Health.


His research interests include global mental health, inequities in health, and the relevance of public health education to the need for global health practice. His research has appeared in academic journals in Africa, Asia, and in Europe. He serves on editorial boards of scholarly journals. His professional expertise are in the areas of health systems development, psycho-social wellbeing of marginalized populations, curriculum development, and program evaluations. He served in various managerial positions with public health agencies in Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia; and academic positions with Chulalongkorn and Thammasat Universities, Thailand.


Mazen al-Hebhsi
Detention Doctor

Mazen al-Hebhsi (MD, MPH) is ICRC Detention Doctor currently based in Kyiv, Ukraine.


He has more than ten years of international experience in managing health programs in health care in detention, primary health care, and prehospital and first aid. He worked in Iraq, Malaysia, UAE, South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, and Yemen.


Muhammed Abd Elrhman
Detention Doctor

Dr. Muhammed Abd Elrhman has acquired MBBS at the University of Gezira, Sudan, MPH at the Royal Tropical Institute in the Netherlands, and Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, in 2012. He is currently pursuing his post graduate diploma in Epidemiology in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


He has ten years of experience in the international humanitarian sector, nine years in Health Care in Detention with the ICRC in different countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. He worked for one year with MSF as medical team leader for TB & HIV project in Zimbabwe. In Sudan, as a part of a medical internship, Dr. Elrhman worked as medical officer and coordinator for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) in Western Darfur State for nearly 3 years.


Mohammed El-Shorbagi
Healthcare in Detention Doctor

Dr. El-Shorbagi is the Health Care in Detention Doctor with the ICRC Regional Delegation in Kuwait. He’s graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University and had a specialty training in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Ain Shams University. He’s currently pursuing a MSc degree in Public Health (Health Services Management) with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Throughout his work with the ICRC, he handled the health care in detention files in Jordan, Bangladesh and currently the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.


Before joining the ICRC in 2018, Dr. El-Shorbagi had 10 years of medical practice in different healthcare settings in Egypt, including working for 3 years as a prison doctor. In addition, he was involved in activities with the Egyptian medical syndicate and was a member of the Foreign Relations Committee in 2017. He is currently an associate member of the World Medical Association.

Najeeb Al-Shorbaji
Library and Information Association, Jordan

Dr. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji is is the President of the Jordan Library and Information Association, President of the eHealth Development Association (Jordan), President of North Africa and Middle East Health Informatics Association, Vice-President of the International Medical Informatics Association for MEDINFO 2021 & 2023,  and Fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics.


Dr Al-Shorbaji has been working as consultant in eHealth (digital health), health information systems, knowledge management, medical librarianship and electronic publishing. He has been an eMarefa Advisor and working as part-time researcher and lecturer at the PLRI Institute of Medical Informatics at TUB. He is a Visiting Professor at Ain Shmas University, Egypt, member of the Scientific Council of the International Academy of Public Health, and Chair of the Specialised Committee on Development of Health Informatics Curriculum, a member of the National Committee on Development of Code of Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, and Vice-President of the International Association of Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals.


Immediately before retirement, he worked as Director of Knowledge, Ethics and Research Department at the World Health Organization from 2008 to to 2015. He also worked for the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean in Amman, Alexandria and Cairo as Information Scientist, Regional Advisor and Coordinator for Knowledge Management and Sharing.


He holds a PhD in Information Science since 1986 from United Kingdom.

Pasqualina Maria Coffey
Health Programme Manager

Pasqualina joined the ICRC as a detention doctor in 2018 and is currently the Health Programme Manager with the ICRC Abuja delegation, Nigeria.


She is a public health physician and completed her medical degree and specialty training in Australia. Her interests are control of communicable disease, health policy and social determinants of health

Rabih El Chammay
Head of the National Mental Health Programme
Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon

Dr. Rabih El Chammay is a psychiatrist and currently the Head of the National Mental Health Programme at the Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon. After founding the programme, he led the development and is currently overseeing the implementation of the first National Mental Health and Substance Use Strategy 2015-2020 aiming at reforming the Mental Health System in Lebanon towards community-based mental health services in line with human rights and latest evidence that is currently under implementation.


He has been working in public mental health, refugee mental health and health system strengthening for more than 15 years. He has been working on these topics in the MENA region as well as on the international level with various agencies such as WHO, UNHCR, UNICEF, IMC and many other NGOs.


He is also a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at Saint Joseph University in Beirut.

Robert Hollander
Prison Systems Adviser

With a background on forensic psychiatry Robert Hollander had a long career (22 years) in the Dutch penitentiary system serving in different positions managing prison mental health and high security pretrial facilities. At the same time, as a consultant, Robert worked for over a decade in dozens countries in the former Soviet Union, Africa and Asia.


Since August 2016 until January 2020, Robert Hollander was working as Prison System Adviser (PSA) for the ICRC in the NAME region based in Kuwait covering GCC, Lebanon, Jordan and Yemen. From February 2020 Robert took the PSA position based in Baghdad covering Iraq and Yemen.

Rodger Doran
Faculty of Public Health of Thammasat University, Thailand

Dr. Rodger Doran graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Sydney University in 1978. After completing graduate studies in tropical public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1984, he began working in the field of public health emergencies, initially with NGOs in Afghanistan and later with UNHCR in Pakistan.


In 1992, he joined the WHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action programme, firstly at HQ in Geneva and later at the Regional Office in Delhi. He left WHO at the end of 1996 to work as a consultant for international organisations implementing humanitarian public health programmes. In 2003 he joined the WHO Western Pacific Region, working as Programme Officer for the Emergency and Humanitarian Action programme in Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines. In February 2010, he retired from WHO and began working as a Foreign Expert with the Office of International Programmes at the Faculty of Public Health of Thammasat University in Thailand, teaching courses on Humanitarian Public Health, Research Methods and Academic Skills in the MPH and PhD (Global Health) programmes.

Shirshah Basyal
Detention Doctor

Dr. Shirshah Basyal graduated from the Pediatrics Department of Kabul Medical University in 2008 and has been working as Detention Doctor in Health Care in Detention unit of the ICRC Afghanistan delegation since 2009.


He has played a significant role within the team in the implementation of the ICRC Health Care in Detention activities in Afghanistan and provided support to national entities of government in improving the health and living conditions of the detained population in Afghanistan.


Throughout his career with ICRC, he attended various national and international conferences related to prison health and also participated in various training and workshops relevant to his file.


Since 2009, he has supported the ICRC HCD team in terms of providing support to governmental authorities and stakeholders in responding to emergencies (scabies and other communicable diseases, hunger strikes, and other) in prisons and PoDs of the country, and was a member of the team who developed the ICRC Health Care in Detention Guidelines on Management of Scabies in Prisons Settings.

Siaka Konate
Healthcare in Detention Programme Manager

Siaka has extensive field experience in Healthcare in Detention and has worked with the ICRC in Iraq, Madagascar, Nigeria and DRC on projects to improve conditions of detention, access to health services for prison populations and strengthen penitentiary health systems at national level in partnership with detaining authorities, respective Ministries of Health and other actors. Siaka has worked within the ICRC Health Unit at HQ in Geneva in coordinating Health in Detention programs for Africa from 2018 to mid-2020. He has facilitated several seminars and workshops for ICRC staff and Healthcare in Detention short courses with the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel and Sciences Po Grenoble, France.


Before joining the ICRC Siaka has worked for 5 years within the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Research Unit of the NIH/NIAID International Center of Excellence in Research (ICER-Mali). He has contributed to clinical trials, biological and immunological researches focused on Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis. He is co-author of several papers in this field.


Siaka holds a MD degree from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Bamako, Mali and a Master of Sciences in Tropical Medicine from the Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine in Japan.

Wilson Benia
Health Systems and Services Advisor
PAHO/WHO Representation in Uruguay

Dr. Benia is medical doctor, with a Master in Epidemiology, specialist in Family and Community Medicine. He holds a Diploma in Public Health from the Faculty of Medicine, UDELAR. He graduated from the Leaders in International Health Program (PAHO/WHO).


He worked as Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, at APEX-Cerro program, UDELAR (1997 – 2001), and as Associate Professor of the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, School of Medicine, UDELAR (2001-2009).


His working experience include:
Epidemiologist of the National Drug Board (1997 – 2000), Director of the First Level Care Network of the State Health Services Administration, RAP-ASSE (2005 – 2010), Health Advisor of the Local Government of Montevideo (2010 – 2012), Coordinator of the Integrated Network of Public Health Providers (RIEPS – ASSE) (2012 – 2015), PAHO/WHO National Consultant (2012 – 2016), General Directorate of Health of the Ministry of Public Health (2015 – 2018), Health Systems and Services Advisor at the PAHO/WHO Representation in Uruguay (Since 2018).

Yaya Ibrahim Coulibaly
Head of Neglected Tropical Diseases Research Unit
International Center of Excellence in Research, Mali

Dr Coulibaly holds a M.D degree from the Faculty of Medicine of Bamako (Mali), a Master of Public Health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (US) and a PhD in Tropical Medicine from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (UK). He currently leads the NTDs Research Unit of the NIH/NIAID International Center of Excellence in Research (ICER-Mali) and the Research and Training Department at the Dermatology Hospital of Bamako. He is a member of several National NTDs boards in Mali including the Malian Onchocerciasis Experts Committee.


He is teaching the Neglected Tropical Diseases Epidemiology and the Clinical Epidemiology classes for the Master of Public Health Program at the Faculty of Medicine of Bamako. He is the focal point of the health in detention training program in French that is being planned to be held in Mali in collaboration with the ICRC.